Why have the COVID jabs caused over 28,000 deaths and 1.26 million adverse reactions?
Discover what is really happening &
how to reverse the damage…

BREAKING: Leading medical experts share proven healing protocols and previously censored information in never-before-seen docuseries

New 9-Part Docuseries Reveals the TRUTH About Their Agenda and
How to Protect Yourself and Your Loved Ones From Future Viruses

Register now for a limited time, FREE viewing of this breakthrough 9-episode docuseries. Enter your email address to access Unbreakable: Destined To Thrive

If you believe this is all coming to an end, buckle up,
this might have been a warm up for what’s to come…

The censored and deplatformed medical experts have spoken and what they are sharing might shock you.

In this brand new, never-before-seen docuseries, Unbreakable: Destine to Thrive, you’ll hear from dozens of medical experts about a wide range of topics including how to heal from the vaccine, how to protect yourself in the future, and what’s in store for the future.

Many believe this was only a warm up for what they have planned for the future…

Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to view this 9-part docuseries 100% free of charge.

Over 1,135,000 COVID vaccine injuries reported to VAERS, including:

As of February 18, 2022 — and this is just a small sampling of the startling data we’ve uncovered.

Research is showing that this number could actually be only 1% of what the real number is – meaning you can multiply any of the above numbers by 100 to get an idea of a more likely number.

They are freezing bank accounts, continuing to push their agenda, and lining their pockets with billions of dollars in revenue while their hands are soaked in blood of vaccine victims.

So, where does this all end?

It ends when we finally put our foot down and stand in unison to battle their agenda.

And that begins and ends with educating yourself on the information they don’t want you to know about.

The censored information that has been hidden from the general public for over two years now.

The future of your personal safety, health, and freedom will depend on knowing and understanding this censored information

No matter where you turn, you are faced with more censorship.

The bottom line is, they will never tell you the truth about what they’re doing and what their reports show…

That’s why my team and I have made it our personal mission to sit down with real experts who are not a part of their agenda to bring you the truth about what’s happening right now.

In my brand new 9-part docuseries you’ll learn everything you need to know. This is the most up-to-date information that will protect your personal safety, health, and freedom.

Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll hear in this docuseries once you send us your email (this is all free of charge for you):

This is the type of information that WILL become censored once they find out we’re sharing the truth with you.

FOUR COVID SHOTS are the new normal.

Omicron panic has taken over the world.

Governments are treating unvaccinated people as the enemy.

And Pfizer is currently testing its vaccine on 6-month-old babies.

How did we get here?

Remember when they locked down the world in March 2020…

They told us it was just to flatten the curve.

They said life would get back to normal soon.

And they promised vaccines would stop COVID.

After all those lies, the “experts” STILL tell us that experimental COVID vaccines are the ONLY way to stop COVID…

That they’re safe — despite so much documented evidence to the contrary…

That they’re effective — even though millions of “double-jabbed” people are getting very sick, spreading COVID, and dying…

That we MUST get at LEAST two shots PLUS “boosters” to live “normal lives”…

And we have no choice but to comply.

They’re desperately trying to convince us that COVID vaccines are safe for everyone…

Even though they’ve caused MILLIONS of serious side effects, including blood clots, strokes, miscarriages, and even deaths…

Even though the “official” number of “reported” injuries and deaths reflects only 1% of the true figures…

Even though the mRNA “gene vaccines” could turn our bodies into factories for
the deadliest viruses and pathogens ever known…

The “official experts” have turned a blind eye to all the documented evidence that
doesn’t support their narrative.

Remember: When it comes to the unapproved,
experimental COVID vaccines, what you don’t know WILL hurt you!

That’s why I’ve spent the last year researching and discussing this virus with hundreds of doctors, scientists, and other leading experts from around the world. And the consensus is… The information being pushed out by the mainstream corporate media is only a tiny fraction of the real story. That’s why I decided to give you the information that no one else will give you… I’ve created a groundbreaking 10-Episode docuseries called Vaccine Secrets: COVID Crisis. In this brand new series I interview dozens of top doctors, scientists, and health experts that answer questions like:
  • Is this injection really safe to take?
  • Why are so many miscarriages happening after taking the injection?
  • What is so dangerous about the “spike protein” and why does the injection program our body to produce it?
  • Why are U.S. corporations making “contingency plans” for the deaths of their employees who’ve received the injection?
  • Why is the injection causing so many blood clots and strokes?
  • How many adverse reactions are really happening after taking the injection and why isn’t this number being accurately reported?
  • Can this injection permanently impact my brain health? (Sadly, our research shows YES it’s very possible…)
  • Were tests manipulated to provide false positives and/or negatives?
  • Why would certain doctors I interviewed say things like, “these are not miscarriages, they are murders”?
  • What can you do if you’ve already gotten the injection? Are you safe?
  • What would cause the medical and scientific community to sweep all of this under the rug and tell us this injection is 100% safe?


Knowledge is power. And it’s the key to understanding why the experimental COVID vaccines are so dangerous — despite the corporate media’s official narrative that suppresses and censors anyone who dares to speak out.

You are in control of your own health. Don’t fall victim to global governments and bureaucrats that are pushing everyone to get vaccinated. Billionaire “philanthropist” Bill Gates and billionaire Big Tech activists think they know what’s best for you and your family.

You must be free to decide what’s right for you. Don’t let governments and corporations force you into getting vaxxed “for your own good”. And never let the cancel culture make you too afraid to stand up for your rights!

Register now for a limited time, FREE viewing of this breakthrough 10-episode docuseries.
Enter your email address to access Vaccine Secrets: COVID Crisis

Take a look at the 9 episodes we will send you once you register to receive them:



  • Why Dr. Ryan Cole saw an immediate increase in cancer rates with his patients
  • What’s really being seen inside the autopsies of victims (and why Fauci told the medical world not to perform autopsies – what was he hiding?)
  • Top doctors explain how the spike protein is still persisting and impacting the health of victims
  • The shocking coverup story of a young woman named Maddie de Garay and her injury (which they never fully revealed to the public)
  • Plus so much more never-before-unveiled facts that were previously hidden from the public


  • How top medical experts are reversing injuries and healing their patients at a cellular level
  • Why some experts believe energy production is the true key to healing (and which specific protocols will help with this)
  • Which people are at the most risk (this information could save you or a loved one’s life)
  • The specific tests you need to take (Dr. Marz shares all in this episode)
  • How to stand up for personal freedom and protect children who do not understand what is happening
  • Plus much more about reversing injury and healing your body or that of a loved one


  • Are we seeing biowarfare secretly used against the entire planet?
  • We’ve been lied to and our experts are sharing everything they know in this powerful episode
  • The truth about what’s really happening with modern-day bioweapons and how to protect yourself and your family
  • Why are medical experts seeing an increase in cancer rates?
  • Which vitamins are crucial to healing and protecting your body
  • Plus much more information on future bioweapons, and making yourself “unbreakable” in the face of inevitable future challenges


  • What to take if you want to minimize side effects without having to rely on a doctor to prescribe you medicine
  • Why Vitamin D is such a vital nutrient to supplement with (and how it can help prevent cancer and other harmful side effects)
  • The top nutritional protocols the medical experts in this episode shared and why they are so important (they’ve tested them with numerous patients and this is proven, yet still censored, information)
  • The truth about a gluten free diet and whether or not it actually helps you or hinders you (Dr. Ryan Cole tells all about this specific diet)
  • What you need to know about fulvic acid and how it can help your body remain safe
  • The inspiration truth about intermittent fasting and what it can really do for you and your health
  • Plus much more valuable information about eating to bulletproof your health


  • The top protocols leading medical experts are finding to heal injury and any other foreign invaders harming your natural immunity and overall health
  • Why many experts recommend things like Ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, Quercetin, D3, and many other possible protocols (you’ll find everything you need to know in this episode)
  • The incredible reversal of patients with myocarditis (heart inflammation) and which protocol they followed to heal
  • Why blood clots are seen so regularly and what they can do to prevent serious future problems
  • Whether or not you should pay attention to “organic” foods or not (see what Dr. Henry Ealy recommends in this episode)
  • Plus more information on bolstering your immune system with proven protocols you can’t afford to miss out on


  • Top doctors reveal exact protocols for prevention, early treatment, hospital phase, and injuries
  • What antiviral and anti-inflammatory natural medicines and important compounds you MUST have at home
  • Which hormone triggers an enzyme that helps the virus get in your cells
  • What hormone-blockers one doctor used to save lives in Brazil…The “most violent variant” Gamma “would go from fever day 1 to whited out lungs on day 3”


  • The truth of what Dr. Tau Braun has discovered (he even wrote a letter to the Direct of the FBI)
  • What one bioweapons specialist recommends to protect yourself
  • How top medical experts are healing those who are suffering (everything has changed since the discovery of harmful toxins)
  • The power of humic and fulvic acid and why it’s so important for those healing from injury
  • How to make your cells work for you via nutrient timing (intermittent fasting can be a very powerful ally to your health and healing)
  • Plus many more recommendations from top medical experts


  • Why having a community to back your health choices might be the most important thing to protecting health freedom
  • The shocking story of Maddie de Garay and how Big Pharma covered up her symptoms to protect themselves
  • How to remain focused on love and community when it seems like our world is more divided than ever before (there is still hope if we try)
  • What we can learn from “cancel culture” and how we can use it to better ourselves both inside and out
  • Plus much more discussion on how to build a supportive community so ALL of us can continue to heal, together


  • How to protect your personal freedom now, and in the future, using what many experts recommend (standing up for your personal rights isn’t as scary as it seems, using the recommendations you’ll find in this episode)
  • Why Dr. Henry Ealy recommends you read one specific research paper to learn more about lab origins (and how it can help you protect yourself)
  • How symbols of power can be used to either enhance your personal freedom or hinder it (the more you know about this, the better)
  • What one attorney did to help pilots who were battling against major tyranny (this violation against their medical freedom was shocking to hear about)
  • The #1 most important thing you can do right now to protect your medical freedom (don’t miss out on what Dr. Shannon Kroner advises in this episode)
  • Plus much, much more valuable information on protecting your medical freedom and living a life without tyranny

Airing on January 19 | 8PM EST / 5PM PST

  • The number one thing NOT to do
  • Steps to help your body “eat up” abnormal proteins and abnormal cells in your body
  • How the mind can help or hinder reversing the vaccine effects
  • What NOT to eat and why
  • The two emotions to avoid because they suppress the immune system
  • How to boost the immune system naturally and maximize good health

Our Leading Experts


For the past two years my team and I have been deplatformed, censored, and threatened on an almost daily basis for simply trying to share these truths with you. Now, it’s your turn to see the information we’ve spent years digging up just so we can help protect one another from the evil organizations that are trying to ruinour beautiful world.

Please, act now and download the above eBook before this page is inevitably censored and removed from the internet. You owe it to yourself and your loved ones to understand what’s really happening right now.


Jonathan Otto | Host

Jonathan Otto is an investigative journalist, natural health researcher, documentary filmmaker, and humanitarian.

He has created several highly-acclaimed, groundbreaking docuseries — Depression, Anxiety & Dementia Secrets, Autoimmune Secrets, Natural Medicine Secrets, and Women’s Health Secrets — covering innovative, effective natural remedies for autoimmune disease, neurodegenerative disease, mental health, cancer, and heart disease.

These docuseries — watched by millions around the world — represent Jonathan’s unceasing quest to discover the root causes of debilitating diseases by interviewing over 100 world-renowned natural medicine doctors, scientists, natural health experts, and patients.

Jonathan’s greatest reward has been hearing the testimonials from people whose lives have literally been saved with the protocols he developed.

His work has been featured in international TV broadcasts, print media, national news, and radio broadcasts. He received the awards, Young Citizen of the Year and International Volunteer of the Year, by the Australian government for international humanitarian contributions, which he continues to support.

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