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2 More Points

Restoring Health Post-Vax – Expert Healing and Recovery Advice


If you or a loved one received the jab, you still have options to heal your body. Numerous medical experts have raised concerns over the heavy metals and toxins found in the vaxx – and the statistics prove their detrimental impact… But you DO have options which you can find in this free eBook.

Yours FREE — $37 Value

5 More Points

 Bioterrorism: COVID Vaccines and Their Mechanism of Destruction

The inventor of mRNA technology, Dr. Robert Malone, was removed from the internet for questioning the use of his own creation. This technology has been forced upon the public over the past two years, even though it’s very own creator has warned against its gene-editing capabilities, which can cause numerous side effects. The question is – Should we call this bioterrorism?

Is It Really a Virus?

What’s really in the vaccines and can we really call this whole thing a “virus”?

Researchers are finding snake and cone snail toxins in COVID-19 patients…  What could cause this? And why aren’t we hearing about anti-toxin medications (which are being shown to help patients) in the news? This free eBook dives into all of these questions and much, much more.

The Real COVID Regime – How the Global Government’s Agenda Continues to Unfold

A recent study published by nature.com revealed that cardiac arrest and acute coronary syndrome in 16-39-year-olds have increased over 25% after administration of 1st and 2nd vaxx doses.

Yet the agenda continues to push forward… Although many countries, including the US, are slowly backing off of their dictator-like mandates, this brings up one glaring question…

What are they planning to do next? This is only one of many examples of what’s truly happening behind the scenes. Learn the full truth about your future and how urgent it is that you protect it while you still can.

Yours FREE — $111 Value

20 More Points

Autoimmune Answers Series digital access
Bring 70 world-leading expert doctors, scientists, and patients that have reversed their autoimmune conditions into your home. You’ll have ALL the tools, tips and techniques at your fingertips to prevent, reverse, and overcome chronic, painful autoimmune diseases once and for all!
  • Discover what autoimmune disease is and the many forms it can take (over 100 diseases, including diabetes, Lyme disease, rheumatoid arthritis, Graves disease)
  • Learn about the actual ROOT CAUSES of autoimmune disease
  • Uncover the corruption in the health industry that leads to autoimmune disease (or inhibits healing)
  • Find out what side-effects pharmaceuticals can have in autoimmune disease
  • Realize that there IS hope, even if you’ve been told there is no hope, no cure
  • Discover steps you can take to prevent and even recover from autoimmune disease
Yours FREE — $297 Value

How to Reverse Disease at a Cellular Level Through Diet and Detox

If you struggle with energy levels and wonder why you always feel so lethargic throughout the day… 

This is a major red flag.

It’s becoming more and more difficult to get adequate nutrition. We’re surrounded by junk food that offers empty calories and healthy food is not as healthy as it was a few years ago. The world is powered by coffee and quick dinners. And while it seems that these things make our lives more convenient, they’re actually making us more tired and sicker.

Now it’s more important than ever to understand how to prevent, or even reverse, disease at a cellular level. Learn how to protect yourself from future disease and heal yourself from a handful of current ailments you might be struggling with.

The Fight for Justice and Medical Freedom

Men and women all over the world are fighting for justice and their medical freedom. It’s time for ALL of us to band together, educate ourselves with the truth about what’s really going on, and TAKE A STAND.

The tyranny we face must end and the only way that can happen is by, first, understanding your personal rights. After that, you need to take a good hard look at what they are planning for the future.

The Power of Natural Immunity in Preventing and Healing from COVID-19

Although Big Pharma, the mainstream media, and the global government wouldn’t tell you this…

Your immune system is capable of fighting off infections and viruses, like COVID-19, with a few simple methods that are revealed in the eBook you can download absolutely free. 

Inside this incredible resource, you’ll discover the best ways our medical experts recommend to boost your immune system and even heal from COVID-19.

Food for Life: 20 Most Healthy Foods to Eat

Having a strong immune system during a pandemic, and in the near future, is more important than… 

… and it’s much easier to do than you might think.

Dr. Russell Marz is a pioneer in nutrition and he believes there are 20 specific foods you should eat to receive maximum health benefits. And don’t worry, this isn’t some kind of miserable diet. It’s a simple, helpful eBook showing you exactly how to bolster your immune system and remain safe while being exposed to heavy metals and toxins on a daily basis.

Discover all of the information you need to remain healthy and full of energy. 

Yours FREE — $148 Value

50 More Points

Vaccine Injury Recovery & Immune Priming Masterclass

Three of America’s top natural medicine doctors will show you how to boost immunity naturally and effectively, help prevent COVID and other infections, and equip your immune system to fight off any invading viruses.

Now is the time to learn the natural ways to protect your body and rid yourself of any toxins and environmental agents that can cause you harm. Each expert doctor we’ve interviewed has their own unique perspective that, when put together, creates a comprehensive plan that can protect you from most anything thrown your way.

Here’s a small glimpse at the vast amount of information you’ll find inside this powerful Masterclass (yours free when you purchase while episodes are still airing).

  • Learn which nutrients will help boost your immune system and protect you from any outside invaders
  • Discover which nutraceuticals our top doctor recommends for early treatment of COVID (Jane Orient shares her exact protocol she’s discovered via strenuous research)
  • Find out which protocol safely and effectively detoxes toxins and heavy metals from the COVID jab (even if you don’t get the jab, you’ll want to understand this information)

And that’s not all, take a look at everything we’ve included for you below…

  • 5 videos with Dr. Henry Ealy
  • 4 videos with Dr. Bryan Ardis
  • 3 videos with Dr. Jonathan Murphy

12 total videos, all your on-demand

12 transcripts included of every single video

12 MP3s for listening on-the-go

All recordings will be stored in your membership area and transcribed for you to read.​

Yours FREE — $597 Value

9-Module Masterclass: Brain Healing Breakthrough

In this powerful masterclass you’ll learn answers to neurodegenerative disease, including dementia and Alzheimer’s, as well as anxiety and depression so you can make sure to prevent these awful diseases in you or a loved one’s brain. Not only will our experts give you detailed information on prevention, they’ll also share with you the causes of these powerful diseases so you know exactly what to avoid right now to guarantee you have a safer future. 

Yours FREE — $497 Value


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